Issue(s): None Most changes made reflect getting install scripts to work under normal circumstances, without external support or commands, on Vone instances or standard VMs. Scripts standardized and up-to-date with WSUV-specific changes. * Now correctly defines groups/create tango group * Add docker group support to bypass manual creation * Moved Tango installation out to tango scripts * Added wsuv-specific documentation and installation instructions Commit message #2 (additional changes, related to filesystem organization): Wider changes than only setup scripts, includes changes to CI to allow it to work with current setup scripts on the development machine. Also included are more bugfixes and script updates to further increase independence as an installation script. * Updated CI/CD installation versionso fix bugs and update to latest version * Added sql password to CI file * Fixed a copy-over error resulting from capitalization change * Changed ruby modifications to be absolute paths to help wider installation * Fixed ruby version checking for multiple versions * Changed bundle commands to use user-level shell (no more root!) * Fixed ownership assignment problems for Autolab directory * Added missing copy-over of production.rb to CI file * Changed final migration to use correct home directory * Modified .bashrc write to use correct variable * Updated Readme to reflect changes to Tango scripts (vmms) Moved backup functionality from CI to setup scripts Issue(s): #4 (CI user-level privileges), #6 (migrate backup to scripts and improve ruby version checking) The goal here is to reduce CI to only a few lines, letting setup.sh handle the backup and copy-over procedure as needed. Now handles the cases: installing in the correct location (run), installing in incorrect location with no existing installation (move and run), and installing in incorrect location with existing installation (backup, move, and run). Scripts were also modified to allow better checking for Ruby versions (previous versions exited on ruby version check failure), and updated slightly otherwise.